If you are looking for a house washing service in the Augusta, GA area that will not only do a great job cleaning your home but will protect your investment, then Masters Cleaning Team offers the best solution for your house washing needs. We utilize “correct pressure" washing as a part of our approach. “Soft washing” means to clean a given exterior using a much softer amount of pressure than most would traditionally associate with a pressure washing company. Basically soft washing is to clean an exterior using 500 psi or less. The reason that the term “pressure washing” is still so widely used has more to do with term recognition than anything. Most of the exterior cleaning services performed by today’s professionals would fall under soft washing.
In today’s market, just about any professional with experience and proper equipment will be cleaning most surfaces using a soft wash approach. There are exceptions where using a bit more pressure is acceptable and this is what we mean by “correct pressure". Mainly these exceptions are limited to brick and concrete/masonry type surfaces, but even then the pressure is just part of the equation; the cleaning solutions are what counts.
Today there are many high quality cleaning compounds that are available to aid in cleaning just about any surface. A quality professional in the pressure washing or roof cleaning trade will have a good working knowledge of many different kinds of cleaning solutions and how to safely and effectively use them in the soft washing process.
We have the experience, expertise and skill to do it right the first time!